as some may have noticed, I needed to modify the ackphysx.dll to add some things which were not yet implemented, like prismatic joints ( see here ).

I made it working under Visual Studio 2005 and since I am working on a project that relies on PhysX, I am currently developing it further. I hosted it over at SourceForge, because since JCL released the source of the ackphysx.dll for free, I do so, too:

PhysX for A8 SourceForge page

If you want just the updated ackphysx.dll and the header, just go to https://sourceforge.net/projects/a8physx...0header%20file/ and download the latest archive.

If you just want to get the whole source, checkout with SVN via http://svn.code.sf.net/p/a8physx/code/

You can also contribute new features if you like, for this you have to have a user account on SourceForge and then you can checkout and commit via SVN from/to https://svn.code.sf.net/p/a8physx/code

Here are the current list of additions / bugfixes / whatever:

-new: prismatic joints
-fixed: inverted axis used for limits on slider/prismatic joints
- pXcon_getposition returned radians instead of degrees (fixed)
- added: BOOL pXconGetPrismaticLimits (ENTITY* e, VECTOR* vInit, VECTOR* vLimitForw, VECTOR* vLimitBackw), which fetches the position, in which the prismatic (!) constraint has been formed (vInit), the position, where the forward limit point has been set (vLimitForw) and where the backward limit point is (vLimitBackw). Returns false, if anything went wrong.
- bugfix: pXcon_add has been changed for PH_PRISMATIC joints, so that the global anchor is -always- defined for the position of the 1st entity. This way, the anchor is correctly returned with pXconGetPrismaticLimits and pXcon_getposition, so that is settled on the joint axis.
- added: helper function NxToVec, which transfers a NxVec3 correctly from PhysX domain into world space VECTOR, corresponding to PhX.NXSize
- added: helper function NxForVec, which transfers a VETCOR correctly from Gamestudio domain into world space PhysX NxVec3, corresponding to PhX.NXSize (this will replace in a long term NxforVEC, which doesn't scale by PhX.NXSize).

I want to underline that I am doing this for free and that the dll can, and most likely will not correspond with the official ackphysx.dll smile so don't expect that you can just copy over this one and everything works, please read the changelog to get to know what features went in and what changed wink

I post updates here, have fun!

Kind regards,

Last edited by HeelX; 10/12/11 23:03.