I found a small bug while converting the "AUM76 to ANet" example:
* When the EVENT_SYNCHRONIZED was called enet_sv/clent_create() couldn't be used before 1 frame has passed. [Fixed in]

Thus I release a new Beta version. Here is the download link for the new version: ANet Beta

Here you can get the converted "AUM76 to ANet" example. It should give you a clue of how the new entity system could be implemented: AUM76 to ANet

Finally I want to share my plans for the future:
* Converting all examples and tutorials to the new ANet version
* Releasing the new ANet version
* Improving the examples and tutorials, replacing old/bad ones with new ones

For the last point I need your help!
Where have been your problems when starting with ANet?
Is there anything that should be explained more detailed than currently explained by the tutorials?
Are you missing example scripts for special situations?
Anything else that should be improved/changed?

Thanks for your help!

ANet - A stable and secure network plugin with multi-zone, unlimited players, voip, server-list features,... (for A7/A8)!
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