3. Is it possible to create a peer-to-peer connection like the Voip feature does using the new socket functions? If it is, a tutorial on that would be great.

Yes, the udp socket functions are more or less peer-to-peer based because every udp socket is server and client in one. You can send packets to every udp socket you wish. All you have to know is the ip address and the port number of the socket. With the tcp functions no peer-2-peer application is possible.

I don't think that there is the need for an extra tutorial for that, because as explained above, it's very simple! But if you have problems with that, I could explain it more detailed if you wish.

4. It would be good if you find a way to change the connection time out.

I already looked into that some time ago, but it seemed like this is not possible. But I can take a closer look again, maybe I find a way.

My only request would be easier ways to serialize and deserialize data for custom packets, or if some way to do it already exists, a small section showing useful ways to do it.

Best way would be to use memcpy:
//Data you want to send in a packet:
int Data1;
short Data2;
var Data3;

char* PacketBuffer = (char*)malloc(10);

//Serialize data
memcpy(PacketBuffer, &Data1, sizeof(int));
memcpy(&(PacketBuffer[4]), &Data2, sizeof(short));
memcpy(&(PacketBuffer[6]), &Data3, sizeof(var));
//and so on

enet_clsend_event(USEREVENT_SENDDATA, PacketBuffer, 10, BROADCAST);

Does that answer your question? Or did you ment something different with serializing data? I could add that to the "Tips and Tricks" section of the manual.
The deserialization would be the other way around.

I think I will go this way:
I will replace the current workshops that don't explain the templates with a multiplayer shooter workshop. The workshop will cover everything from building up a connection to dead reckoning and shooting. Every finished chapter will contain the produced script so that the user can try what was explained in theory.
The final script will be some kind of template that will replace the old dead reckoning template. So I try to make the script as configurable as possible. So that it's possible to create multiplayer shooters without much scripting (but the shooter won't be much complex as this would break the mold).

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