Okay, before everyone starts to believe that Gamestudio has only 38 people that use it, lets get this clear:
Not everyone looks into the Morbius Forum. When I created my games with Gamestudio, I never gave Morbius any attention at all. It started when I had no other real place where I could hang around asking questions about Lite-C and stuff and from what I'm seeing here thats kinda normal. The guys who just visit the Gamestudio forum for the sake of the community hang around here, while the hard battle with Gamestudio and Lite-C is fought way above use.
The second thing is: There is a great community in Turkey and in some other country that I can't remember anymore (China?!), usually people from there that use Gamestudio don't take the time to visit us here and vice versa. So these people also won't appear in this poll.

Anyway, the number is way too low and I really hope that it changes with A9, but please, don't fill this place up with assholes again. Noobs okay, no assholes. Kthxbye.

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at feresignum.com