The last video looks impressive !
When it will be available i'll test it to see how fast it is ?
Blender beeing too slow for sculpting when i tested the last versions.
And that last tool don't have dynamic resolution, it don't seem like Sculptris can do ? But it's a great step indeed laugh

Sculptris is really powerfull, you have a big big control on your level of detail , and with a mouse you are very precise ,
the volume just grow as you want , not too fast or too strong that you also depending on camera distance that uses low or big detail in sculpting.

Even on Zbrush, you can't mix very low detail on some parts of the mesh and high details and modify that at any time.

Sculptris is really powerfull , even hard surface are easy to make, specially if you use the "crease" tool and it's inverted
working way. It's simply fun, powerfull and a real pleasure laugh

Last edited by ratchet; 10/27/11 19:41.