Thanks! What kind of destruction - for clothes or so?

I add, repair or change some features at the moment only with regards to some requirements of a project I am working on. For now, I need proper implementation of joints. My next objective are fixed joints: two objects are then tied together so that they are immovable, but if a force (e.g. a bullet, or a ball, or an explosion) exceeds the joint's break limits, the constraint is removed automatically - imagine a wall of bricks.

In my case I need them for something different, but that doesn't matter. In fact, I need to establish two constraints between two entities at the same time and need access to the different joints - until now, the plugin just saved a to-1 association and not multiple joints. You were able to add them, of course, but the pointers were overwritten, so that they vanished into your PC's Nirvana. In the meantime, I did the same thing for wheels and the possibility to get the chassis pointer back from a wheel entity - I don't need that, but it just popped up here as a possibility and I thought it would be nice for you to have a function for that.

I also had a look on particle physics - as far as I believe, these are also scheduled by JCL as "liquid" particles. They seem to be easy to implement and are great for fluids, smoke, blood and scatter, influenced by wind, rigid object dynamics and the like.

Last edited by HeelX; 10/31/11 15:26.