Originally Posted By: lostclimate
Who said fail anywhere? I lived off my game design and paid my parents rent as well from 16-21 years old.

Regardless of whether or not you "succeed" at being a freelance game designer (which can mean a multitude of things in and of itself), whether or not society values your ability is something else entirely. No one person, whether he's a government official or a business exec, can change the fact that not many people want your abilities.

EDIT: I guess I have a few more things to say.

Originally Posted By: Pappenheimer
The original voting restrictions of the USA

are results of the historical situation of power. Such agreement on the regulations of power is based on the current balance of powers of those who decide about that agreement. Means, a historically installed rule doesn't say anything about the value of that rule in other times and in other social circumstances.

Didn't end up reading this until now, but nevertheless...

I see that both you and LC totally missed my point, because I do agree with this. When I brought up the US voting restrictions, I wasn't suggesting that we bring them back exactly as they were, but I did suggest that we bring back the principles that drove them, that being that the educated upper class should be separated from the lower class in terms of political power and opportunity.

Originally Posted By: lostclimate
You wanna explain why black people and females couldn't vote either?

Sure thing. At the time they were uneducated lower class people. It was, at the time, next to impossible for them to succeed on their own.

The restrictions were never a racism/sexism thing, although some people make them out to be. They existed because of the social circumstances at the time, as Pappenheimer said, and they were quite appropriate for their time. Another fact that many people don't talk about is that after slavery was abolished in the southern states, many former slaves were put into government positions as part of an effort to "mix up the pot" and desegregate the south. The result was unsatisfactory as the uneducated and unsophisticated began "running the government" (read: sitting on their porches with chickens all day). The situation was almost laughable, and rightfully so.

That sounds racist but it's not. I do not speak of them of that way because of their color, but because they were unfit for office. In fact, I applaud modern day African Americans who lead successful lives. I think of them as being no different than anyone else. Long story short: don't pull the race card on me.

Last edited by Redeemer; 10/31/11 22:36.

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