With your usage of Malloc, Free etc, you should shift to SYS_malloc and SYS_free etc.

I have been reading sys_malloc and sys_free in the manuall but I don't uderstand what it does. Why is it different/better?


wow, I had no idea functions could behave like a pointer. I thought it would be much more complicated to get that working. Thanks alot for the info!
I also have a uni directional linked-list for the "inactive" entities, and use it as a stack for pulling the last one for re-use. When I said mabe two linked lists might not be necessary I meant the other one, the "active" linked-list.

And now that I am using models for my terrains I am having trouble with the shadows... It looks terrible where they join. Did you have the same problem? How did you fix it?
It looks like its a problem with smoothing the gourad shading on each model individually.
I tried with the UNLIT flag and setting its ambient high so it would be lit. But it seems I cannot get rid of its gourad shading that way.

Here is link to a quick video I just made showing how the edges of the terrains are shading separatly for each model:

I tried with setting unlit, cast, and also resetting the shadow flag. But it still looks awfull, I can't think of how to get rid of those terrible shadows that make the edges of my terrains so obvious...
Any suggestions?

"The more you know, the more you realize how little you know..."
