Originally Posted By: alibaba
Hmm. no havenīt tried it, but i also have no experience in this.
It is simple. Just checkout the current version, load the project in VS 2005 (or later) and bind the A7 SDK files instead of the A8 ones. If you really gonna try it, don't hesitate to ask here, I'll help you.

Originally Posted By: Rackscha
@HeelX: Absolutely like your current work

Originally Posted By: Rackscha
maybe you could work together with JCL so that your changes/improvements get implemented in a future official 3dgs version?
I don't think so that this will happen soon. From what I see here, our development focuses and -speeds differ very much and afaik they don't invest much into user projects at the moment due to a massive schedule for some massive features. Though, JCL said that he will look from time to time into my source code on SourceForge, he will **eventually** adapt some stuff.