I'll see when I get there, thats my usual workflow...

One question though... how do you re-calculate the normals for the terrain/entity
once youve finished setting all the vertex heights?

You posted code of how you do the 'edges', but what about the main-body of the entity?

Im not working on this ATM, but small trials in the past using ent_fixnormals just
kept resetting all the new heights back to zero. (ie before re-heighting)
Was I using ent_fixnormal badly? Did I need a wait between the re-heighting and the fixnormal?

I know its do-able, cause Ive done it in the past, and I spent very little time on this test,
as the test was primarily to test setting heights in a second 'thread', which was a fail.

I cant show code, cause its gone... Deleted in order to streamline workflow, and
avoid re-hashing dead-end tests.

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