I was also having problems with ent_fixnormals when I started using it for runtime edited models (even terrains).


I also had no idea what to put in the frame parameter for un-animated entities. i tried with NULL, tried with 0, and tried with 1... always getting no result.

So I started using an entity propety: ".frame"
i dont set .frame anywhere, it sets itself.
so now whenever I use something like ent_fixnormals i always do:

I am also a noob when it comes to normals, this is the first time I do anything with them.
Which frame? Its an un-animated entity pretending to be a terrain.. so where the hell does a frame number come from?

I don't use .frame because I know what I'm doing. I actually use .frame because I have abolutely no idea what I am doing and don't know what value to put in there for un-animated entities, so I let engine decide for me.
Even when using real terrains that cannot be animated i have to use this entity.frame thing, but I honestly have no idea why...

As Socrates said: "the more you learn the more you realize how little you know" wink
(this frase is becoming more and more evident to me when learning to program new stuff for videogames. I might even set it as my signature, lol!)

"The more you know, the more you realize how little you know..."
