Thanks for pointing out what I should have noticed. I used to think I was brilliant. I could program computers to do anything in machine language. My idea of a vacation is still to get a hotel room for a week and take a laptop and some computer manuals. I can't believe how incomprehensible Gamestudio has become. I wish I was a gifted 24 year old C programmer hopped up on energy drinks, then maybe I could do this. I'm good at constructing amazing looking levels, and no good at writing walk routines. If I can just get the walking right, then it will only be one problem at a time adding interactions between the player and objects. Seriously, if anyone knows of the complete code for a simple game example with a working walk routine that runs in A8, please direct me to it. Thank you for your replies. I'll go back and fix the brackets and try this player code again.

Learning to write lite-C -- A8 commercial