Thank you for the idea to download Aum 103 again and use the shooter code. I d forgotten when I first tried that, the player actually did walk through correctly. I do get an error tho which brings to running game to a crash, when I press space and jump. Before, I download that code/demo and when I used it for my own constructed level, that's when I started flying up, up and away. I'll cautiously try remodeling it.

Added by edit: Here is a video I made using A6 and fraps.

I was going to make an entire film but got bogged down making the animated characters. Its kind of corny but "Dr. Frankenstein's village" was very detailed. The Cathedral front was good and I even had a nice funeral procession with the free Max Payne mdl's carrying the coffin. I no longer use the "Master Delirium" name on you tube as someone else uses something identical. I include this link just to show I'm not totally clueless about Gamestudio.

Last edited by Delirium; 11/04/11 17:59.

Learning to write lite-C -- A8 commercial