I'm using the code from AUM 102's RPG because I like it's simplicity. Is there a new procedure to building a world, a floor and enclosing walls, that is different in A8? Why aren't my walls detected? When the player walks to a wall he passes right through it, He detects1 wallls if I use the included wmb from the role playing game in AUM 102. I've also tried the level from AUM 103 and the same thing happens. I build my own level and made the main code load it, but with the unaltered borrowed code from AUM the player starts floating upward. No alterations had been made to the player routine which is an action inside one of the c scripts. t_rpg_inventory, or either of the other lie-C scripts.

To stop floating for testing purposes I
commented out this line, which of course messes up gravity.
but stops him from floating:

//my.z -= c_trace(my.x, temp.x, IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE | USE_BOX) - 70;

and added

my.z = 30;

But why would the gravity work in the included wmb and not mine? The floor I made wasn't a passable block or anything. Does it need a special name or flag set? Why isn't it detected?
There are actually two problems, one, floating, and secondly that the player walks through walls as if they are passable, which they aren't.

Short of disassembling one of the included levels block by block and using my own textures for the floor I don't know what to do.

Learning to write lite-C -- A8 commercial