This is really embarrassing....I know, I know, read the manual. I have been. I don't want to bother an expert, perhaps another newbie to lite-c who has gotten this to work can help.

I'm making an action where when you impact an object, it makes a sound. Once. The impact part is correct. the function the impact calls just needs to play a sound. before the level will run it tells me undeclared variable, so i tried declaring it first half a dozen ways, sound ="noise.wav"; Ent noise="noise.wav", or <noise.wav> etc sometimes with asteriks like it shows. I tried it using media handle. I did read the manual and studied it's multitudinous sound commands, for loops, for checking if it's playing etc.
What is the right and simplist way to play a sound from a function? I have been trying, but after an hour of trying it different ways.. how do you do it in lite_C? Please. Some beginner tell me quick before a senior expert sees I've asked another embarrassing question. I really think they should add another catefory in the forum, lite-c for dummies.

Learning to write lite-C -- A8 commercial