Hello Forum,

now i want to present my first project called Anomalie.
It is the first level but i have a lot of work to do before it is ready to download here for a first try laugh

Just a few screenshots are available and i want to share them with you.

I do this project on my own and i am not the best modeller or leveldesigner but i hope it looks ok and you are not scared and run away xD

Ok a little bit of the story.

Darren is a scientist for paranormal phenomenon. Due to his daily work an unexpected blackout of the RFPP (Research facility for paranormal phenomenon) causes damage to the generator. After the blackout was fixed a huge explosion destroyed the generator and all scientists in the research laboratory include Darren takes severe radiation and swooned.
After Darren woke up he is in the basement of the facility but something is wrong ...

ok thats the first Level (basement)

This is the mainmenu

This is the Storageroom which the player woke up.

This is another Storage Room with the first enemys (Fireelemetal)

This beast is biting that guys head of xD So kill that beast wink

Here you can see how the waterarrow looks like which casts the Frostlurker
And this is the Endboss

The Endboss casts Frostgelenk what will slow down the player, then a few seconds later the boss will cast Elementarbindung (a Elemental spawns and attacks the player) with a 15% dmg boost. If the player kills the Elemental the Boss looses due to the Elementarbindung 25% of his lifepoints.
The same until the boss is dead.

I am new here and i hope you have any tipps for me to do things better (like modelling/texturing/leveldesign) because this is truly not the best game ever laugh

Oh just i forgot how you can see the most of the models are untextured this will be fixed a little bit later.

I hope it is ok that i used realspawns marine.mdl as a placeholder for the player.
If not please tell me and i will remove this immediately.

Thank you for your time

Best regards


Edit: I have no idea why the last 2 pictures not showed. you must copy the link in the navigationbar and load tha link in that way -.-

Last edited by oODarkPassionOo; 11/07/11 21:44.