Lire-C...the player is moving fine, either standing or walking. What I want advice on how can I make it do is what you see in PS3 games, the player walks up to a note on the wall and a panel pops up which says "Press return to examine". How to do this and not keep re triggering it because you're next to the object? I have an easy to understand impact action from Aum 103/code/Events. I know how to code panels. I need to trigger the action only once. When I got it to trigger a sound, the sound triggers endlessly, a horrible nose until I back away from the model with the impact code attached.
How can I get it to detect the player and do some things, say leave the panel on the screen until a button is pressed?
Ideally I'd like two choices, like press A to view panel or B to break out of the loop.

Learning to write lite-C -- A8 commercial