I'm part of the first group. Like, obviously. I love creating games, and I really enjoy working out new concepts and trying stuff out. I have many dream projects, and I hold them very close to my heart. Currently, I'm working on two, which is the perfect number for me. With one, I'm experimenting and trying to create gameplay that haven't been seen before.
With the other, I'm experimenting with implementing a story and still have an interesting game. This is really interesting to me.

I very much believe that a shift towards the "I-want-to-make-money" has happened, and I like reading about possible reasons here.


A reason for this could also be, that in the time of A3, you had to search for "3D"-modeller quite more than nowaday, now more people are working with engines, which need 3D-models, sounds, .... so a budding market growed up?

Perhaps, but if the amount of modellers were increasing, then that does not imply a shift towards the "#2"-crowd, compared to people helping out for free. Or does it in a way that I'm not seeing?
Also, yeah, you're spot-on with the "posessed"-thing!


As to the modeler vs programer...I've done both commercially and for free....it doesn't take long to write code to accomplish a single task.. especially if you've done it before. Art on the other hand takes time to do everything bcs 1 misstep or for forgotten area in previous pipeline steps could result in a lot of lost time

That explains why it's easier to find a coder for a one-time-issue compared to a modeller. It does, however, not explain why it's even easier to find a coder for a complete project than a modeller.

And now, I'll just quickly answer to EVERYTHING else:

I fall squarely in the number three range. The reason I haven't left this place already is because there's too much drama not to participate in.

Well, the amount of drama has, sadly, decreased a lot as well. Perhaps this is just my imagination, of course, but it seems that we had days of more baseless arguing and flames. Oh, how we long for those!


But alas a note to the original poster; why are YOU here except for being so judgemental(jk) and trying to get free models?

; )
Really, I'm just making the observation here -- I've been thinking that for quite some time now. I feel it's justified to state it out loud, and I wanted to know how people explain that.
I'm here because I create games that will totally BLOW EVERYONE'S MIND. And you never know when the next cool thread's gonna happen, you know?


#1 and most of the time i go through with it.

Really? Don't take this the wrong way - it's not meant as an offense, but I'd have thought that after Ballad of Angels, and given the style of your other free projects (such as your videos), a true continuation of your dream project would have consisted of perhaps working on Ballad of Angels, or something similar, instead of games like Ambages. Don't get me wrong - not meant as a comment on its quality or anything, but I'm sure we can agree that it's style, being more aimed at kids, is different to what you're usually doing, and what you seem to prefer doing in your free time, rendering it something I'd not think would be a "dream project" of yours.

I hope, I'm a 'realistic' dreamer who can finish the project once a day.

Don't we all... I guess we better stop kidding ourselves and start facing the possibility that we MAY have bitten of more than we can chew?
Uh, not *US* of course. Like, speaking of "we" in a general sense. Like, "'we' as the human race". I mean, both you and me? TOTALLY gonna finish our games. Right?


Error014, plz make a real poll, it would be very interesting to see the fractions summarized, if more ppl read this :-)

I am really incredibly dumb, and thus cannot figure out how to add the poll now (which is later than the original posting time). Like, there's no "add Poll"-button to press.
Of course, someone will now point out that it's RIGHT THERE, making this seem incredibly sad and stupid, but I swear it's not there, and in case that happens, I will blame aliens from outer space.

Gorillas and Bananabombs: Not only do they both have a wikipedia entry, there's also flash-based versions of those on the web. Including the original sound.

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

Check out Dungeon Deities! It's amazing and will make you happy, successful and almost certainly more attractive! It might be true!