Oh, and to help ease your understanding of the shader,
here is another version that works the same STRUCTURALLY,
but all the configuration settings are hardcoded into the
shader source-code itself, with descriptive variable names.

Example lite-c script
Click to reveal..
#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

BMAP* sand_tex  = "sand.tga";		// Sand Texture
BMAP* grass_tex = "grass.tga";	// Grass Texture
BMAP* rock_tex  = "rock.tga";		// Rock Texture
BMAP* snow_tex  = "smoke.tga";	// Snow Texture

MATERIAL *RePaintSkin_mat =
{	effect= "TerrainPainter_hardcoded.fx";		event = skinChangeEvent;
	flags = ENABLE_RENDER | AUTORELOAD;											}
function skinChangeEvent() {	if(me!=render_view.genius)	 return(1);	}
void RePaint_Skin(ENTITY* ME)
{	if(!ME)						return;		//invalid entity to capture.
	if(!ent_getskin(ME,1))	return;		//entity has no skin to capture into.
	VIEW *view = view_create(1000);		set(view, SHOW);
	view.material = RePaintSkin_mat;		view.genius = ME;
	view.x=ME.x-(ME.max_x+ME.min_x)/2;	view.y=ME.y-(ME.max_y+ME.min_y)/2;
	view.z = ME.z + maxv(ME.max_x-ME.min_x, ME.max_y-ME.min_y)*0.75;
	vec_set(view.pan,vector(0,-90,0));	view.bmap = ent_getskin(ME,1);
	view.size_x = view.bmap.width;		view.size_y = view.bmap.height;
	wait(1);										ptr_remove(view);			beep();		}
//End of CORE CODE


void updateView()		{	RePaint_Skin(Terr);	}

function main() 
	wait(1);					level_load(NULL);		wait(1);				diag("\n\n\n");
	draw_textmode("Times",0,32,100);				warn_level = 3;	terrain_chunk=256;
	Terr = ent_create("terr.MDL", nullvector, NULL);
	vec_set(camera.x, vector(-300,150,220));	vec_set(camera.pan, vector(350,-25,0));
	on_space = updateView;
		if(key_f1)	DEBUG_BMAP(ent_getskin(Terr,1), 0, 1);

		if(key_f2)	//swap entities
		{	if(!str_cmp(Terr.type, "PLANE01.HMP"))		
			{	ent_morph(Terr, "plane01.hmp");		vec_fill(Terr.scale_x, 0.1);	}
			{	ent_morph(Terr, "Terr.mdl");			vec_fill(Terr.scale_x, 1);		}
			while(key_f2)	wait(1);					}


Shader code "TerrainPainter_hardcoded.fx"
Click to reveal..
//ColorMapping Samplers Texture-Sources
texture sand_tex_bmap, grass_tex_bmap, rock_tex_bmap, snow_tex_bmap;
sampler SandSampler  = sampler_state  { Texture = <sand_tex_bmap>;  };
sampler GrassSampler = sampler_state  { Texture = <grass_tex_bmap>; };
sampler RockSampler  = sampler_state  { Texture = <rock_tex_bmap>;  };
sampler SnowSampler  = sampler_state  { Texture = <snow_tex_bmap>;  };
//Configuration Settings
float Lap = 20;			// Border Overlap Range 	 		(in quants)
float GrassStart =  37;	// Start height of GRASS texture	(in quants)
float RockStart  =  80;	// Start height of ROCK texture	(in quants)
float SnowStart  = 125;	// Start height of SNOW texture	(in quants)
float SandScale  = 6;	// SAND texture scale multiplier
float GrassScale = 6;	// GRASS texture scale multiplier
float RockScale  = 2;	// ROCK texture scale multiplier
float SnowScale  = 3;	// SNOW texture scale multiplier
//Random Number Generator
#define cMult 0.0001002707309736288
#define aSubtract 0.2727272727272727
float random(float4 t)
	float a, b, c, d;
	a*=a; 	b=t.y+a; 	b-=floor(b); 
	c=t.z+b; 	c-=floor(c); 	d=c; 
	a*=a; b+=a;		b-=floor(b); 
	c+=b; c-=floor(c); 
	return ((a+b+c+d)/4); 
void Painter_VS(	in  float4	inPos:  POSITION,	in	 float2 inTex:  TEXCOORD0,
						out float4	outPos: POSITION,	out float  outHgt: TEXCOORD0,
						out float2 outTexD:TEXCOORD1, out float2 outTexG:TEXCOORD2,
						out float2 outTexR:TEXCOORD3, out float2 outTexS:TEXCOORD4	)
	outPos	= float4(inTex.x*2-1, -inTex.y*2+1, 0,1);		//output normalized XYpos
	outHgt	= inPos.y + (random(inPos)*20)-10;	//output slightly-randomized height
	outTexD	= inTex * SandScale;		//	re-scale coords for SAND/DIRT texture lookup
	outTexG	= inTex * GrassScale;	//	re-scale coords for GRASS texture lookup
	outTexR	= inTex * RockScale;		//	re-scale coords for ROCK texture lookup
	outTexS	= inTex * SnowScale;		//	re-scale coords for SNOW texture lookup
float4 Painter_PS(	in float  inHgt: TEXCOORD0,
							in float2 inTexD:TEXCOORD1, in float2 inTexG:TEXCOORD2,
							in float2 inTexR:TEXCOORD3, in float2 inTexS:TEXCOORD4 ):COLOR0 
	float4 color = 0;
		  if(inHgt<(GrassStart-Lap))	color = tex2D(SandSampler, inTexD);
	else if(inHgt<(GrassStart+Lap))	color = lerp(tex2D(SandSampler, inTexD), tex2D(GrassSampler,inTexG),saturate((inHgt-GrassStart)/Lap));
	else if(inHgt<(RockStart-Lap))	color = tex2D(GrassSampler, inTexG);
	else if(inHgt<(RockStart+Lap))	color = lerp(tex2D(GrassSampler,inTexG), tex2D(RockSampler, inTexR),saturate((inHgt-RockStart)/Lap));
	else if(inHgt<(SnowStart-Lap))	color = tex2D(RockSampler, inTexR); 
	else if(inHgt<(SnowStart+Lap))	color = lerp(tex2D(RockSampler, inTexR), tex2D(SnowSampler, inTexS),saturate((inHgt-SnowStart)/Lap));
	else										color = tex2D(SnowSampler, inTexS);
	return color;
technique terrain_paint 
	pass p0 
		CullMode = None;
		VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 Painter_VS();
		PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 Painter_PS();

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