did you download the updated script? if the error still happens with it you could send me the model so that i can investigate it.

the exporter only is slow with high polygon models if they have an uv-map. i have to think of a less brute force way to get the uv-list. exporting isn't exactly time critical though.

from what i understand they only want to include scripts which are popular in the blender community. it's to early to look into that anyway.

- the script still is a bit messy

- i would like to support the updated model format (multiple textures per model, submeshes,...) once conitec is done with that

- the script should also support to export animations as bone animation but there are two problems with that:
i don't know much about blender's animation system and i don't want to learn it now because they plan to overhaul it for 2.37.
converting bone animation between applications can be tricky. my tries with exporters for other applications were quite discouraging so far. i will have to learn more about euler angle rotation orders, quaternions and so on.