Despite its self-glamorization as a cool wolf pack having fun, wolf-packing around, the video game industry is serious business. And like any serious business, the people who make that serious business work are more or less interchangeable parts in a horrible machine of sadness.

In other words: don't find a job. Jobs are serious business, and so are a horrible machine of sadness by definition.

So, they talk about one section of game industry. But game industry also include small companies working on commercial or educational serious games. (Depending on your taste) those game projects can be really fun! During my internship I worked on a manage-your-shop game for a low school training program, I sat with my nose above the development of a serious game for the Dutch military (the swedish military also had this awesome cooperation game). It was really interesting to see. The company made some pretty nice games, and all employees had a normal 8 hour work day. Then there's work in the indy section, altough requires a great deal of persistance and dedication, it nullifies nearly all points summed up there.

So if you want to work in the hardcore gaming industry, then some points might be true. But some points hold true for any job. "You can't complain". Really? Is that anything new?

The fact that they bring up an example from class clearly shows the article was aimed at students who think too easily about the gaming industry, not joe average with any random job where these points may also apply to.

And of course you will get fired if your company/team/project is dedicated to only 1 subject, and not looking forward. If, however, you choose a more reliable and stable organisation/business, and you get a non-temporary contract, you will not get fired. But that's a choice you make in life. Doesn't depend on the gaming industry.

Last edited by Joozey; 11/21/11 22:22.

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