That's nice, thanks. I was not clear, though, I don't think there's a bug with 3d sounds, but I somehow dislike the limitation of a linear fade out (theoretically and physically that is how it's supposed to be, I know). Example:
One month ago I have created a tank game for my father. When an enemy tank fires and you are close, the sound is fine, but when the distance increases the sound simply feels too quiet and powerless (even though the linear fade may be theoretically correct). Increasing the sound range (a lot) has some unwanted consequences.
The same goes for the poor soldiers, I want(ed) them to scream really loud when they die and explode and are somewhat close, but it does not feel right (again way too quiet).

That's why I would like to be able f.i. to play the sound on 100% volume below a distance of 1/4 (or 1/2) range and fade out above.
I guess cosinus (transformed to interval [0,range]) could work fine as an alternative blend function, too:

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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