
I am currently working with the MDL7 SDK and I am writing HMP7 files. Two questions (prepare for further questions in the near future smile):

1.) In the demo application for writing a HMP7 file, you are setting the member flags of HMP5_HEADER once to 1 and once to 0. I noticed no difference, but from the function name you use there, I guess it has something to do with a complete planar surface... is this flag really used?? What effect does it have?

2.) It seems to me that the name parameter of the ::Skin method has no effect with HMPs... I do the following:

// determine skin type
int skinType = s->isExtern ? M7SKINTYP_EXT_FILE : 0;

// create new skin
hmp.Skin(skinType, "test123");

So, it should have the name "test123" in the skin manager, but when I open the generated HMP in MED, it is named "Skin0" and I even can't edit it. Is this done by purpose or a bug?

Last edited by HeelX; 12/08/11 00:26.