Sorry but I don't understand half of the senteces you wrote. Mabe you could get someone that speaks english to help you explain what you want so we can understand you better.
Where are you from? If you are spanish I might be able to understand you in your native language (I speak spanish just as good as I speak english). If you are from somewhere else, mabe there is someone on the forum that understands that language.

Just a little advice though. Judging from similar threads I have seen on the forum in the past, the experienced users that could help you usually don't like people just spamming "help".
Also if I understood you correctly you do not know nor want learn how to fix the shader. To me (and probably many others) that means you are not really asking us to help you achieve your goal, what you are really saying is "do it for me".

Unless you are offering a paid job, I recommend you to show you are actually willing to learn and participate in what you want to achieve, or else it is unlikely you will get much help.

A couple months ago I knew absolutely nothing about shaders. I did ask for help on the forum for a randomized terrain shader and was pointed to the shader tutorials. I went through the tutorials, asked alot of questions and got involved (to the degree I could) in the process of creating that specific shader. Most of the shader got done for me, but I learned alot about shaders and vector math along the way. Most importantly though, I learned enough about shaders to modify and piece together other shaders, and even start creating my own. Now I am using shaders in ways I didn't know were possible, have created another 5, got help in another shader project, and am currently working on a fairly complex one (at least for my level of experience with shaders).

My point is, if you really want to learn, this forum is one of the best (or possibly the very best) there is. And you will benefit greatly from getting involved and making an effort to learn. If you just want someone to "do it for you" you will rarely get people interested and will always remain dependant on others for everything (which is never good if you actually want to get something done).

I hope I don't come across as annoying or insulting since that is not my intention. This is just some advice that I feel will benefit you greatly. I wish you luck on your project, and offer my help to learn how shaders work if you are interested in working on it.

"The more you know, the more you realize how little you know..."