Code Fixed By:Rei_Ayanami Thank you!

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Here is a code just to get this thing going and to show that I'm willing to pay for my ignorance.

I want to attach this code to any of my entities and then when walk close or collide/impact with the entity to give a player some money.
Some part of code works for me but when I try to collect money from entity I get proped window saying "invalid argument in add_money" then when I click ok I still get the money.
This code comes under 11 lines of code pricing $2.00, unless its been upgraded to more then what it is right now.

action get_cash()
   my.emask |= ENABLE_IMPACT;
	my.event = add_money;

function add_money()
	wait (1);
	if (event_type == ENABLE_IMPACT || cash > my.skill1) {return;}
	if (my.skill1 == 0) {my.skill1 = 20;} // default = 20 bucks 
	if (cash == 0) { set(cash_pan,SHOW); }
	cash += my.skill1;
	snd_play (gotcash_snd, 70, 0);
	ent_remove (my);

Last edited by Siwler; 01/21/12 23:49.

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