Originally Posted By: Siwler
Code Fixed by: Quad. Thank You

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Here is what I'm trying to do with this code. I want to attach action buy_items to armor or weapon etc, as soon as item is bought to activate armors or weapons function.
In this case I'm trying to activate t_shooter_armor function witch is located in another .c file t_shooter_weapons.c
I tried #include t_shooter_weapons.c and .h I even copied entire t_shooter_armor code to this file that I.m working on. I can buy armor but cant activate armors function.

How do I do this? PM me with the fixed code or upgraded code Thank You.

action buy_items()
	my.emask |= ENABLE_CLICK;
	my.event = buy_me;

function buy_me()
	if (event_type != EVENT_CLICK || cash < my.skill1) {return;}
	if (my.skill2 == 0) {my.skill2 = 0;}
	cash -= my.skill1;
	snd_play (spentcash_snd, 70, 0);
	set (my, PASSABLE);
        set (my, INVISIBLE); 
        ent_create(armor_mdl, NULL, t_shooter_armor);
	wait (1);

I had to Quote my own post(thanks to people who can't follow simple instructions) to let everyone know that above Code has been fixed by Quad. Thank You.

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