Hey guys,
im posting this topic on behalf of outburners.com, great friends and a true inspiration for me.

This is a model pack containing 6 low-poly containers (basically cubes), each has a 500 poly (triangles, not quads) and a 100 poly version.
They drew the skins to be used without any lighting, and actually the containers look great in a brightly lit environment. I experimented with a little bit of vertex lighting to fit them even better with the overall color of the level.
The modelers wanted to keep it simple and publish only the diffuse map, but i asked them to add some simple normal and spec maps to broaden the target group.

The most impressive part for me (yes i know i'm close to them) is the design itself, it can remind you a little bit of Mirrors Edge or Mass Effect, but it has its own distinctive 'minimal' style, actually to me is much closer to 2001.
I remember when i visited their workplace, while drawing the sketches, the guys were having a heated discussion about all the hidden history from the golden age of space exploration... skeptics versus believers, both impressively well informed grin

Anyway, check the assets out, even if you don't wanna buy them, see the site, the stories, demo, videos for inspiration (they have the vector logos and more stuff there).

See the TEASER video, kinda like Cubrick's Space Odyssey.
I knew there were no monsters, but the claustrophobia is overwhelming!

vimeo vid

qub website (click images to open)

Thanks for looking!

PS: there is a PLAYABLE DEMO on the website. If the unity player doesn't work click here and try again!