Ok, on an other computer it now works. But seriously, I agree here with Uhrwerk, remove the starter c*** for your own sake.

On to the game ifself, I cannot understand German (but this is not your fault ofcourse) and I think that is why I did not like the game much. So I did not played it that long but I still want to give you feedback since it looks like you put much time in it.

I liked the graphics, but hated that enemies were constantly spawning (or are there just alot of enemies?) and that in my opnion the gunfights take too long or are too repitive (yes even for an oldschool game).

I would reduce the amount of enemies outside (with the helicopter landing), add 1 or 2 more enemy types (maybe dogs or guys with explosives) and give the player a shovel or a chainsaw (or similar) in the beginning.

Last edited by Reconnoiter; 03/05/12 18:24.