Edit: Actually, playing some other FPS games, I think my problem is simply that I'm trying to make the sensitivity too high. Sensitivity like mickey * 0.4 feels great, and is sensitive enough to do quick movements well while allowing great precision. I guess it just feels different because I'm working on the game myself, or something. tongue Yeah, I don't think I'll need a different method for mouse movement.

Original Post: I tried multiplying mickey with mouse_force so it would allow precision when moving the mouse slowly, and would also allow higher sensitivity, but that resulted in a lot of jerky movement. So, that's not going to work.

Originally Posted By: Widi
I use also mouse_force, have a very fast movement for testing and it works great and smootly. If you move the mouse fast, you have a good speed. And if you move it slowly, you have the precision you need.
mouse_force can be 0.001 till 1

I'm wondering what specific code you used. I just tried something like:
camera.pan -= mouse_force.x

I also multiplied it by several different values as a test, and I still seem to be sacrificing precision for sensitivity. If I move the mouse slowly, the camera doesn't move, jumps to it's next angle, waits, jumps to it's next angle, etc. It jumps quite a distance for each new angle if I multiply mouse_force to actually have decent sensitivity. Maybe I'm not understanding something?

I'll probably just use mickey for now, as it's not really all that big of a problem, but I'll continue searching for other methods. More suggestions are welcome, and thanks for all the help so far! laugh