
I got a Question, how to get a full commercial license for an audio file, that I bought being part of a content CD of MGI Video Wave 5.0.

I did modify the file through using different Audio Effects and put it into my project.
(I did not find a similar other audio file, to fit, like this one does. I did look a lot around, also at the free websites)

Finally the Demo should
(1) Be uploaded as a video file at YouTube
(2) The whole game and the files commercially used

Does anyone have a hint, where I could such a commercial license for the Audio Content of MGI Video Wave 5?
I do own an orginal Version of the MGI Video Wave 5, but I do think, the Audio Content is not for resale, even if it is part of a game.

Have a nice day,

Best regards,

Last edited by REZ; 03/12/12 16:59.

R.E.Z. Software Development (TM)