Okay, i really hope that the sense of his post still exists in my translation ^^
However, here it is:

"I decided to do serious game development after i have played Silent Hill 2.
For the following reasons:
-This game had a deep scenario, which not many movies have
-Although there were not too much action or many characters, the game had a great atmosphere,
which really frightened

And after playing this game i decided to do my own one. I donīt know what you think,
but for me a game does not only consist of entertainment. Making a game is a way to express
ourselves and our fantasy.

So how could i possibly create a successful game?
While searching for this answer i discovered Penumbra.
It was done by two people.
Although it did not have many enemies and poor skinning it was entertaining,
because the atmosphere was great and it was fun to play.
Penumbra is the best example to show, that serious game development does not need AAA quality.

Thus was the starting point of my game. This is the way i set my game up, and (though i have not
completed) managed to complete at least a demo.

In 2007 i started to develop the game, although i didnīt even know what a polygon was.
And to make a game like this was a great success for me.
But there was something i was missing.
I integrated nearly every game mechanic from Penumbra, like holding objects with the mouse and so on.
Finally my game was almost a copy of Penumbra.
This did not bother me when i was a newbie, but now it annoys me.
Even when get positive responses like "Itīs like Amnesia!" it annoys me.

Do you know why i did not open a thread for my game in the showcase?
If i would have done that, you would have appreciated me, because iīve done that myself.
At the same time you would gave me suggestions, and maybe some assistance or even contributions.
But iīm sure most of you would have used this sentence "It looks like Amnesia".
I would have accept this as beginner, but now itīs impossible.
Even if my scenario is original, if you donīt feel like itīs original, itīs a failure for me.
This should apply to all game developer.
Because of this i used the term "Dead End" before.

JustSid wrote a nice post. Penumbra and Amnesia are great examples. We could also add Call of Cthulhu.
Although the graphics are bad, it had a great gameplay.
And the most original game iīve seen in this forum is Superku.

Now i want to give you an advice as your friend.
By drowning your game with shaders and trying to reach AAA quality youīll get nowhere.
A good game consists of atmosphere, gameplay and most important, uniqueness.
Keep JustSidīs examples in mind and donīt make my mistake.
Donīt imitate the style of another game. Your game should not be a copy.
It may sound great as a beginner, but keep in mind that you wonīt finish it.
And even when you get professional and your game is great, it will stay in the shadow of the copied game.

As an Indie you have the freedom to do whatever you want. Find something new.
If you canīt find a new idea, do brainstorming with your friends.
Be different, so your work does not get wasted."

Professional Edition