agreed, its kinda silly how many people I've seen there that tried GS, meaning, GS had a fair chance at grabbing a bite of the crowd, I was going to write my own editor but then i said.. why? Even if I make it game specific, I need to make changes if I start something else;

Its been good so far though, the workflow that is, based on what I see, setting up some troublesome stuff becomes really simple, rag-dolls, particles but what I love is the fact that it doesnt crash; for example how you'd get an error for ent_removing an object if a vec_for_vertex is being performed, which I thought was silly that they didn't just check if the object existed, and yes I know its easy to avoid but think about the "new" users, I've had so many people ask me my opinion on unity obviously seeking a reason to leave gamestudio, quite frankly, is sad, idk if GS creators probably lost interest and just doing basic support as "something on the side", within a month I think they could drastically start climbing in popularity if they made some decent decisions, what are you afraid of? Really?

Using Unity, I wouldnt say its all smooth though, some really simple stuff seems bullshit to set up, vector and quaternion calculations can get a bit confusing, atleast for me, I like what we're getting so far, a team member has already ported over WrathOfAngels and I'm working on what was suppose to be a "small shooter" so i can learn the systems.

However I still strongly standby the fact that coding in GS feels better, so I'll check back from time to time, especially after the new WED to see if returning makes sense wink

I don't know but for some reason, someone up top, seems to REALLY LIKE old stuff, I mean, they don't even want to change the Nintendo64 quality models, its 2012 for goodness sake, no one in their right mind would spend money on something with such a pathetic display, I know there will be those guys that see past that and see the beauty in the engine itself but as a game engine, your success lies in the majority, which 'the ones that think its fine as is' are not;

I wouldn't say unity is better, just depends on your needs but honestly, that line kind of goes down the drain when i hear i can build web versions with a click

Anyways, I'll get back at it, waiting for you to impress me GS wink