
Acknex Unlimited shouldn't release them as naked as they are.

I think that not only should the license change for these model or other resources, but they should also give a link to some-sort-of licensed agreement or disclaimer for these resources.


As I keep saying, I'm not picking on them at all...

@DragonXdark This:

What are the terms of use? That's def. the same thing as the one from Halo... I'm sure Bungie wouldn't be too pleased if people were using it in commercial projects. (Not to scold you, the use of it here is fine. Just in general.)

didn't come across to me as Nadester picking on you.
I think you definately took it the wrong way.
The way I see it he was just curious as-to the terms of use to keep the two of you out of trouble.

If you are still offended by what he said then take ^that post(the one above mine) as an appology.