All this is ,is just a bit lower level coding than a higher language like gs
basicly you take those lower level functions and combine them together
to form logic what you want and put in a function which forms a bit higher level
coding ones you use that function/s you wrote... At the end all your functions
together forms a higher level language like you use in gs so the obvious
aim of this is to have more controll over the final product by providing more lower
level functions therefore it has its positive side and negative .the negative being
time and ability to understand / code higher functions from the lower ,and of course
dont forget bugs becouse if you dont understand it fully andd know how to use it
all correctly it will result in wasted time/money/effort. Using something like this
has its ups for any experienced c++ coder but maby not enough for someone looking
for a framework already put together at a higher level of coding like gs

Compulsive compiler