I've just tried you editor (it could be an enormous job!) and have the following comments:
- the window structure is fine, setting fonts, -diag, -nx is okay, finally I found them. also I was able to somehow switch off line wrapping.
- an easy access to acknex.chm is fine too, but it is German only, and I would need English. mouse wheel does not work in help window (at least at the moment for me).
- one important thing I cannot find is comment/uncomment selected lines. without that I cannot live laugh
- another thing is to close/open code parts between #ifdef/#ifndef/#else/#end. it is also very important for me, when I have to test more script versions for the same task.
- I got neither desktop nor start menu icons after installation, it would be fine to have them.
- the installer could have an option for file type association too. (some time ago I used a free install creator that have had these features)
for the first sight I have these observations, hopefully helpful.

Free world editor for 3D Gamestudio: MapBuilder Editor