I am creating a model with several parts I want to be transparent but I can't seem to get it looking right.
Any advice would be great.

This is what the skin looks like in photoshop:

This is what the alpha channel of the skin looks like in photoshop:

I save the texture with alpha channel, as 32 bit .TGA file (with no compression) and import into med.

This is what my model looks like in MED after applying the skin:

This is how the UV mapping looks like in the skin editor:

Just in case it is not clear, this is the structure of the UV mapping on the skin:

I load the cubes in sed like this:

And this is what the final result looks like when I execute my code:

Why is the grass white instead of green?
I just can't seem to get this to work properly, so I have a few questions for anyone that can help me out or point me in the right direction:

Why is the grass color and transparency wrong in med and the skin editor (white squares)?
Why is the transparency correct when I execute my code but not in med (white grass)?
Why is color still wrong when I run my code? (It is getting the correct part of the skin because transparency is working correctly, but not the color)

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Could it be my code, texture, file type, med modeling, or skin editor UV mapping?

Any advice would be great

"The more you know, the more you realize how little you know..."
