Benni :: No probs dude. If I find more time, I will try improving it.

Pappenheimer :: Did I try 'different' models? Yes and No.
Yes - I tried others, but No - cause they all FAILED, as I expected.

This function is still a VERY limited work-in-progress. I was just posting where
I had gotten to when I ran out of time. Im busy doing some HEAVY work with Esper
and only did this code to have a break from his, to clear my mental buffers...

Other models just wont work AT THIS TIME, because this process cannot handle
multiple skins. Only the first one it ever sees.
I have not yet figured out how directx/acknex stores the 'which skin' information in the attribute table.

I know how directx is SUPPOSED to store it, but it doesnt seem to translate
correctly when I do the ent_setmesh() stage, and if I try updating this
information AFTER the ent_setmesh(), everything except skin1 is invisible...
And I havent the time to research this at the moment Im afraid...

So, because it can only handle one skin, that why I only botherd trying with
the same model time after time. Cause they all have the same skin that way,
and so the process works in its limited fashion.
And this limited fashion SOUNDED like it was all Benni needed, and its HIS thread...

So, I left it at that. IF I get time later, I will come back to this and
improve upon what it can do, but I dont know when that will be...

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