Thanks for looking into it jcl!
I don't understand why -9999 is wrong though.

If the camera's pan/tilt/roll values are all zero (= camera looking in X axis direction) and i give vec_for_screen a point which should be 10000 quants in front of the camera, how can the resulting point not be 10000/9999 quants aways but rather be something crude like 8202 ? It makes even less sense the longer i think about it laugh
Plus the position reconstruction in the shader gives wrong results (the shader should be correct as i'm using it in another engine, too). Also, for the reconstruction i always need the most far away points of the view frustum (basically the far frustum edges). So if camera.clip_far = 10000 i should get points which are 10000(or 9999) quants away from the camera. Instead i get 8202.

I'll try to create a workaround and directly fetch the far frustum corners instead of using vec_for_screen and compare that to what vec_for_screen outputs. Directly fetching/calculating the far frustum points should be faster anyway laugh

Last edited by BoH_Havoc; 06/20/12 15:10.

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework