First of all, use "code" tags to post your script, for that switch to "Switch to Full Reply Screen", so your script will be more readable. Secondly, I'm not going to convert whole of your game into lite-c, and I don't really think anyone around will (for free), but I'll show you few of your errors you've made while you tried to convert your script into lite-c. So at the end, lets hope that you'll be able to convert whole of your game yourself (you know better how it works etc.), here it goes:
// WRONG!!
// skills:
define jump = skill91;
define health,skill22;
// vectors:
var eyespot[3];
// trace function:
trace(my.x, temp);
// flags:
my.shadow = on; 
my.polygon = on;
// events:
// action stuff:
action ent_player
// animations:
ent_cycle("stand", my.skill6);
my.skill6 += 2 * time;my.skill6%=100;

// other stuff:
test += 1 * time;

// skills:
define jump skill91
define healths kill22
// vectors:
VECTOR eyespot;
(same for "temp" you need to defined that vector yourself)
// trace function:
trace_mode = IGNORE_PASSABLE;
c_trace(my.x, temp, trace_mode);
(same for all other "c_" functions, take a look at the manual)
// flags:
set(my, SHADOW | POLYGON);
(take a look at "set" and other flag stuff at the manual)
(plus, in skills, use "1" <-> "0" instead of old "ON" <-> "OFF")
// events:
// action stuff:
action ent_player()
// animations:
// ANM_CYCLE shows that this animations will loop
// in this case "my.skill6 %= 100;" isn't needed!
ent_animate(my, "stand", my.skill6, ANM_CYCLE); 
my.skill6 += 2 * time_step;

// other stuff:
proc_mode = PROC_LATE;
test += 1 * time_step;

If you'll fix all this stuff I've mentioned above, you'll be good to go I guess, but some more complex stuff will need you to rewrite it (remade) from scratch. Please, pay attention to capital letters when you write the code, cause lite-c is very secretive! For example:

This will cause crash, cause "IF" is written with capital letters!! But this:

Will work without any problems! So from now on, if you want to switch to lite-c, create new ".c" file (lite-c) and convert all of your functions step by step (one by one) and each time you think that you've converted function, run it, to see does it crash or not, that will help you. And don't forget to save new converted code in ".c", cause ".wdl" will cause strange crashes grin

Good luck mate.

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