Hi all, im new here at GameStudio A7 and i liked it so much!! Im starting with a First Person Shooter (for learn more) and i have a few problems and questions.
1) How i can do that the player can climb stairs walking? (normal stairs, size between steps is not huge)...

2) How i can do that the player collide with these stairs? Because firstly he collide and if i still walking against them, he pass through frown

3) How i can do the same that in 2nd question but for jump, because when im under the stairs and i jump, i and i pass through them to be up of them.

4) How i can show a weapon, and not the player model, as Counter Strike and other FPSs, and that weapon fire when shoot, etc..

5) How to add a simple flashlight effect, as Counter Strike have?

6) Sorry for bad english, im south american xD and thanks for reading.

I add my code here:

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

ENTITY* Player1;
ENTITY* ent;

var flashlight = 0; // dunno how to do :(
var bullets = 30;
var shotDelay;

BMAP* Crosshair = "crosshair.pcx";
BMAP* weapon = "images\flare0.pcx";
BMAP* bmpAmmo = "images\ammo_hud.tga";

PANEL* mostrar =
	digits(5, 5, 5, *, 1, camera.tilt);
	digits(70, 515, 5, "Arial#40b", 1, bullets);
	layer = 100;
	flags = SHOW;

PANEL* displayBullets =
	pos_x = 5;
	pos_y = 500;
	bmap = bmpAmmo;
	layer = 1;
	flags = SHOW;

PANEL* displayCrosshair =
	pos_x = 400;
	pos_y = 300;
	bmap = Crosshair;
	flags = SHOW | OVERLAY;

PANEL* showWeapon =
	pos_x = 0;
	pos_y = 300;
	bmap = weapon;
	flags = SHOW | OVERLAY;

void updateCam(ENTITY* ent)
		camera.x = ent.x;
		camera.y = ent.y;
		camera.z = ent.z;
		camera.z += 75;
		camera.pan = ent.pan;
		camera.tilt += mouse_force.y*9*time_step;
		if (camera.tilt > 90) 
			camera.tilt = 90;
		else if (camera.tilt < -60)
			camera.tilt = -60;
action playerMovement()
	var movespeed = 70.0/16.0;
	var turnspeed = 10;
	var fallacc = 3.68; // "Gravedad"
	var jumpacc = 20;
	var anim_percent = 0;
	var attack_percent = 0;
	var stand_percent = 0;
	VECTOR movedir;
	vec_set(movedir, vector(0, 0, 0));
	ANGLE rotdir;
	vec_set(rotdir, vector(0, 0, 0));
	var grounddist;
	//Ermitteln der Playerhöhe
	var feedheight = -my.min_z;
	//Anpassen der Boundingbox
	my.min_x *= 0.7;
	my.min_y *= 0.8;
	my.min_z = 0;
	my.max_x *= 0.7;
	my.max_y *= 0.8;
	my.max_z *= 0.8;
	//move_friction = 0.5;
	//Starten der Kamerafunktionen
	proc_mode = PROC_EARLY;
		//Abfrage der Tasteneingaben
		movedir.x = (key_w-key_s)*(1+key_shift*2);
		if (key_w || key_s)
			anim_percent += 2* movedir.x % 100; // 1.3 = walk cycle percentage per quant
         ent_animate(me,"run",anim_percent,ANM_CYCLE); // play the "walk" animation
		movedir.y = (key_a-key_d * 1.5) * (1 + key_shift);
		if (key_a || key_d)
			anim_percent += 2* movedir.y % 100; // 1.3 = walk cycle percentage per quant
         ent_animate(me,"run",anim_percent,ANM_CYCLE); // play the "walk" animation
		//Abfrage der Mausbewegung
		rotdir.pan = -mouse_force.x;
		//Berechnen der Laufgeschwindigkeit
		movedir.x *= movespeed*time_step;
		movedir.y *= movespeed*time_step;
		//Berechnen der Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit
		rotdir.pan *= turnspeed*time_step;
		//Rotieren und Bewegen 
		vec_add(my.pan, rotdir);
		c_move(my, vector(movedir.x, movedir.y, 0), nullvector, GLIDE|IGNORE_PASSABLE);
		//Check der Distanz zum Boden
		grounddist = c_trace(my.x, vector(my.x, my.y, my.z-10000), IGNORE_ME|IGNORE_PASSABLE)-feedheight;
		if(grounddist > 0 || movedir.z < 0)
			movedir.z += fallacc*time_step;
			movedir.z = 0;
		//Anwenden der Fallbeschleunigung
		my.z -= minv(movedir.z*time_step, grounddist);
		if(grounddist-minv(movedir.z*time_step, grounddist) == 0)
				movedir.z = -jumpacc;
		if (mouse_left && bullets > 0 && shotDelay == 0)
			attack_percent += 15 * time_step % 100;
			ent_animate(me,"attack",attack_percent,ANM_CYCLE); // play the "walk" animation
			bullets --;
			shotDelay = 4;
		if (key_f) 
			if (flashlight == 0) flashlight = 1;
			else flashlight = 0;
		/*if (flashlight == 1)
			vec_set(sun_color, vector(0,0,255));
			sun_light = 1;
			sun_pos.x = Player1.x;
			sun_pos.x = Player1.y;
			sun_pos.z = Player1.z + 15;
			sun_angle.pan = Player1.pan;
			sun_angle.tilt = camera.tilt;
			ent.x = Player1.x;
			ent.y = Player1.y;
			ent.z = Player1.z;
			ent.pan = camera.pan;
			ent.tilt = camera.tilt;
			sun_light = 0;
			sun_pos.z = -99999;
		if (!key_any) ent_animate(me,"run", 0, ANM_CYCLE); // play the "walk" animation
		if (shotDelay > 0) shotDelay --;

function main()
	video_mode = 7;
	video_depth = 16;
	video_screen = 1;
	shadow_stencil = 4;
   d3d_autotransparency = 1;
   d3d_antialias = 4;
	ent_createlayer("skycube+6.dds", SKY | CUBE | SHOW, 0);
	Player1 = ent_create("gangst2.mdl", vector(0, 50, 0), playerMovement);

Thanks, Bye!