yepp, these mode is an sailing-extension for a 2D rpg-game that was allready finished. But now I want to enhance it a little bit more. Because this project was a qualifying examination, I'm not allowed to publish it yet.
your requested animated scene

We have polygons, textures, shaders , why going back laugh ?
Perhaps some retro game in Minecraft style , but with racing features ?

I think 2d-games are very much underestimated. The choice of the appearance for a game it's a matter of taste, even if the majority only likes 3dimensional games frown .

there isn't only the feature for racing, you can handle other effects with it too.
think back of street fighter, where this technique was used to
create an sidescroll-parralax, or in any other Jump'n'Run game.

An implemented second-rate idea is better than a good idea, which gathering dust in your brain.