as i need to change the texture of each side of a cube seperately at realtime, i thought about one group/texture per side to use ent_setskin.

But it seems that too many objects(200) with multiple textures have impact on FPS.

SO as the mesh shape is pretty simple, maybe using one skin for all cube sides and bliting the required tile when needed?

Or maybe using one texture, which includes all available tiles and shift the uv setting?

the manual says that vec_foruv is replaced by ent_getvertex/ent_setvertex.

But for this function, it is (indirectly) written that it does not support UV modification o.O
(as most properties of the contact struct are not described in the "used" part of the manualpage.

Last edited by Rackscha; 08/14/12 19:38.

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