yeah, good answer laugh

my editor is really a RTS editor like thing (it is designed to be an RTS editor, but currently a general tool), including some free models for an easy start. shorty: putting models easily onto terrain surface, they have different categories with different properties, plus featuring real-time adjustments of sky, camera, materials, terrain deformation and texture painting etc.

when the level is ready, you can compile it to .wmb, or use the editor's own file formats too. in the first case, just check the scripts in the levels subfolder of MapBuilder to get really the same result (there are some tricks), in the second case download the "new project package" scripts from my homepage, and check also the example projects how to use them. I will update these script packs soon to the latest version (maybe I add some new features before that).

Free world editor for 3D Gamestudio: MapBuilder Editor