1. I never ever said I use a warez version -.-"....Some guy back than asked what version I use...i said A7 pro...than he said yoooo warez kiddie..you're only beginner and this software is too expensive blablablaa....next time I logged in I saw that warez kiddie bulls*hit....and I was "What the heck is wrong with these guys??" -.-"

2. I tried many cracked versions ages ago yes..but i realised that they all lack some functions...so i bought a original one..AFTER THAT I registrated here lol...and all the retards here are keep telling me I use warez just because I bought A7 pro...If I once buy someting I will buy the best version available not some random buggy previous versions...

3. The sad thing is I realised that A7 pro is till buggy lol...nevermind...

4. Dont post here if cant help dude...i dont want to read random jerks crying about how better they are cause they have enough money and bought the original version and other people dont...I have money too but I have no problem with warez users...I like warez too..but as I said I had to buy the A7 pro original version cause the bugs..SO shut...the ...f*ck....upppp