About 3DGS,
i see now Zorro project in the banner of the forums ???
What's happening with Conitec ?
Seriously people coming here is to make games and find a good engine !

Why doing some advert of a trading product to people here more interested in games ?
It should have is own forum not here and not be mixed with game making ?

What we should say if Unity 3D, Torque 3D, Esenthel Engine , Visual 3D etc ... would propose some threads about a trading product in their forum page ???

Really Conitec should not mix game making with trading tools, it makes them like some company doing several things at same time and not concentrated in one priority only :

Well perhaps , it's 3DGS beginning to sink ?
like Blitz3D , only the fans or new comers to 3D will remain ?

I like it, but i don't like how things are turning this time.