Sorry, i used it, not incredible, and LOT LOT of bugs an dcrashes on my PC frown
Even if some editors are coming , like Vegetation tools on Forecats , lest' hope it won't take years for users ... ?

anyway 3DGS is still very good for starting 3D game making, and for one person project development (especially if it is only a hobby, like in my case), mainly thanks to Lite-C what I really like. when I selected 3DGS I knew that I had to make my own game specific level editor, so I do not really care WED/GED, MED is usually okay as a mainly conversion step.

You are in a special case of a programmer and that use it as Hobby, not specially targetting a game could it be free or not. So indeed it suits you.

And im' not sure Unity 3D for example would be complicated , it's easy to sue , specially with C# once you get the basics.
(Simple commands to call).
And just look at great quality plugins that exists with Unity 3D , it just prooves you could make your own editing tools as easy as the people that made the plugins laugh
Even LeadWerks 3 will have some plugin orientation also to allow people to easy make custom editors or tools.

What lacks really is that :
- No unified lightening solution with shaders/Shadows/lights
- No plugin open oriented editor
- No mobile support
- No solid and fast real time editing
- No lot better workflow
- No today editor with panels and drag and drop features
- No GUI editor
- No advanced particle editor
- No easy lightmap import or generator
- No grass/Tress/vegetation tool
- No complete terrain editro (even if it will come from some users)
- No physic visual editor (character capsule adding and adjustemnt done in some minute), solid primitives visual adjustment etc ...

And i must forget some points.
But that's ok for programmers, caus they don't care about fast/easy workflow or visual editing tools !

For 3D artist using other engines , that don't care programming (only gameplay programming), it's hard to use , and hard to put a secen with complete lightening, or terrain and vegetation level etc ...

Well it does the job for programmers, and Lite C is great.
Conitec have is own strategy, indeed, i respect their decisions, and like any other engines, it will have it's followers and some that will leav it also.

For my part i won't wait years ... solution in indie market already exist if you have some project game idea.

But who knows ? perhaps they will surprise us with some solid lightening solution, or some mobile features one day ?