Hello all,

first post in years. I used to be on here many years ago as "danthaman015" or "deftoolsys07" and other names, back in the A5/A6 days. It has been about 5 years ago since I touched 3DGamestudio and as a result I feel like I am starting all over again, even though I used to know all of the ins-and-outs of 3DGS.

I just bought A8 and want to start getting back into game designing, and very soon I will have some nice contributions.

To my question:

I am trying to apply a normal mapping shader on my level geometry. I have followed all steps but there is no normal map on the surface when I run the level as far as I can see. Models work just fine with the normal map material, however level geometry doesn't...

I have two textures in my WAD file, let's say tile1.bmp and tile1_n.bmp and I have them in the same WAD file. I apply the tile1.bmp texture to the walls and assign the mtl_Bump material to them from the mtlFX.c file...

What am I doing wrong??

I have A8 Commercial 8.30

Thank you very much in advance!

Last edited by themuzikman; 09/08/12 03:01.