I dunno for certain, but I believe it is OK.

Entities can be decieving because of the way acknex 'recycles' the memory they use.

Often you will completely and correctly remove an entity and all its resources,
but only a part of that memory get given back to the OS.
BUT, acknex will re-use that memory later even though there is no known (to me)
"user accessable" way of knowing the memory is currently sitting in
acknex's recycle bin... Its all to do with the way the nexus is managed.
(NOTE: When the engine exits, then ALL the memory is returned BTW)

To be able to test a similar problem with entities some time ago, I had
to set up a script that created around 100 entities per frame for about
10 frames, then remove the 10 oldest and create 10 new ones every frame.
This made the engine hover at around 1000 entities constantly being created,
living for 10 frames, and then being removed.

When I ran it the first time, it shocked me by climbing to nearly 700 Mb usage
in less than a minute... but then it dropped down ... and spiked to 800 ...
then dropped again ... and EVENTUALLY stabalised at around 400 mb.

This was with some very system-hungry models BTW.

So if you set up a script similar to mine above but use ptr_remove instead
of ent_remove, you can give it a valid test....
Set it running, stare in horror for the first minute, then walk away from it
and make a cup of coffee, or have a smoke (IF you are a smoker of course).

You could also set up a counter to register HOW MANY entities have been created
so far... That will make you feel better.

But in a nutshell, if it eventually crashes, there is a problem, but I
suspect that it will work fine, barring a few 'spikes' here and there.

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