Well, to be honest, I cant see any REAL problem.
How often are you going to be racing agains 560 other cars at once?

The memory consumption really only applies to what is ON-SCREEN at the same time.
Everything else can be managed swapping models and textures in and out as
we need them on screen.

So... lets roll back a bit and take a FRESH look at what you are trying to do NOW.
Lets go back to the studio, you have 40 car types ATM I believe. Not a problem.

Is there any way you can fill me in better about the 'base' car models...
Can you send me one? Or even a screenshot would do.
Im trying to figure how much of its 'built in' texturing is 'necessary'.

Does the MDL contain ANY of the bodypaint texturing?

Could you post a (JPG) screenshot of its various textures?

The reason Im trying to better understand the models skin layouts is to figure out
which textures get swapped/replaced when you put bodypaint on them.

The basic concept I have for the 'mechanics' of the studio is this.
We have 40 car types, so at studio start-up we create an array with one of each.
After each ent_create and shader-apply we set each car invisible and then do an
ent_purge to minimise memory usage.

We then display the first car on-screen. When we 'scroll' to another car then
we need to do an ent_purge on this one after setting it invisible.

While a car is visible, you can scroll through the bodypaint skins.
Ptr_remove the existing one and bmap_create the next one as we scroll through.

Thats the BASIC mechanics of it. Can you see any STRUCTURAL problems here?
Problems that may interfere with your Studio design?

Also... do you have 210 bodypaint skins PER CAR?
Or is the 210 spread across all 40 car types?

PS you can start a PM with me if you want to keep things private/confidential.

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