Blending doesn't work too well with vertex animations, you can only blend between two full (integer) frames.
Imagine the following scenario:
"walk" consists of 10 frames, my.skill2 is 37. After the instruction
your model's mesh will be blended by 70% from walk frame 3 to frame 4.

When you now call
you try to blend the walk frame 3.7 and the stand frame 0.6 but as you can only blend between integers resp. the "entity.frame" and "entity.next_frame" parameters, the result will be a blend of walk frame 4 (or 3, I don't know if the function searches the closest or the next-lower integer) and stand frame 1 (or 0). Thus there will be some kind of snapping.

It's very hard to explain, especially in English, just keep in mind that ent_animate and ent_blendframe (probably) only set the frame and next_frame parameters, the resulting mesh is calculated afterwards before rendering.

EDIT: What you can try is to let an animation reach a full integer frame and then blend to another integer frame of the stand cycle.

Last edited by Superku; 09/19/12 02:33.

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